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Our Partners in Tea

...The aroma was beautiful while I waited for the tea to brew, and the taste just blew my mind!

Vicki Nelson

I’ve just purchased my first box of .. Green tea with Pear and not only do I love the tea-bag but the tea is divine!

Robyn Symons

...the Green Jasmine and Pear blend is amazing, I love the whole flavour and taste. Now can't wait to try the others!

Jan Barzoukas

I just wanted to say that I love your teas, your concepts and the wee bit of special that I feel each time I have one of your cups of your tea.

Elizabeth Bowden

Kindred Spirits Tea Club

Specials, limited edition blends & exclusive gifts.

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Founder's Story

My parents’ story is the stuff of old Hollywood. It is the first thread in the tale of Madame Flavour.

My mother, an adventurous young French woman, was posted to the Trade
Commission in Colombo in the 50’s where she met my debonair Australian father who had enjoyed years in the 'Tropics'.

Cut to 1970's Sydney, and my childhood full of food, travel and stories of life in exotic lands. My parents loved to entertain, appreciated the arts and were passionate about their respective careers. It was a rich, if sometimes overwhelming childhood.

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